Talk Room Instructions



Dear Trusted Adult:

Thanks so much for partnering with the Get Schooled Tour! You’ve been given this URL because the school named you as a trusted adult for their students in your community. Our hope is that you’ve been contacted by the school and invited to be present in the TALK room following the Get Schooled Tour Assembly that’s coming to your area. Please take time to review this page to read it’s contents and watch any videos before the day of your school’s assembly event.


The Get Schooled Tour is a one-hour assembly that uses live entertainment to engage students, collects data through our polling software, and provides courage for students to talk about their secret struggles through getting care from people like you, the TALK room staff, as well as our 24/7 text to chat center at RemedyLIVE.

Topics that may be discussed*:

  • Mental Health

  • Pain

  • Escapism

  • Vaping and Illegal Substances

  • Anger

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

*Not all topics will be discussed at each event.

The students will be encouraged to be radically honest with a trusted adult about how they are doing and what they are going through. The TALK room is a safe place for students who want to be radically honest immediately following the event. Please watch the following video to become familiar with what we expect of you for the TALK room following the Get Schooled Tour Assembly.



  1. Please be at the school 30 minutes prior to the assembly. Sign in at the main office and make your way to the gym or auditorium to come and meet Clinton.

  2. Become acquainted on where the TALK room will be in the school that we’ll be using following the assembly. 

  3. The Get Schooled Tour assembly is 60 minutes in length. As you see the assembly reaching its conclusion please make your way to the TALK room so you can be present as students show up.

  4. Smile. As a student is introduced to you make every effort to welcome them with a smile. 

  5. Ask them their first name. Use their name right away to affirm their willingness to come and talk. It takes a great amount of courage for anyone to share their story but for a teenager it can be especially difficult. Use their name a few times so they feel like they’re known by you.

  6. Ask them “what was it about the Get Schooled Tour that gave you the courage to come to the TALK room”? Find out here what their story is, where they are struggling, and have they told another trusted adult before today. If so, who?

  7. As they share what they’re struggling with try and repeat back what they’re saying, in a summary, to affirm their openness. When a person shares an intimate secret with us we know that trust is being built. By you repeating what they’re saying you are building trust. 

  8. The student may share something that reveals they are a threat to themselves or another. If they share that they think of suicide don’t be afraid to respond. Ask them, “Do you have a plan to take your life?” If they share that they do ask them to share what they feel comfortable sharing. 

  9. Each Get Schooled Tour event strives to have mental health care experts in each TALK room from Bowen Center or our other community mental health partners. If the student shares that they are thinking of suicide or hurting another please connect them with a Community Mental Health Expert or a School Guidance Counselor. 

  10. Make a written note of which students you talked with and a brief summary of what they shared so you can provide that to the school leadership at the end of the TALK room time. 

  11. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected] or contact the school representative in your community.

Download the Sign Up Sheet for the TALK ROOM

Download the Follow Up Document for Individual Students you talk with.